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Eiressa Vaughn

"... then perhaps it is man's greatest strength to persist, even if all efforts seem fruitless. For if Limsans - Nay, Eorzeans had only half the hope they possessed, perhaps there would have never been a civilization at all."
- Mortal Contemplations, Book 2: Limsa Lominsa
Author Eiressa Vaughn is considered a strange personage. Best known for her book series, Mortal Contemplations, Eiressa is compared to a hermit scholar by journalists and academics alike for having no presence in any academic, mercantile, or adventuring capacity before her publication. A closer investigation of her history indicates she may be related to a student-scholar previously present in the Sharlayan colony in the Dravanian Hinterlands, also named Eiressa Vaughn. Unfortunately, Mistress Vaughn herself has declined all attempts of interview by our esteemed journalists.
- Ead Farrare of the Sunway Digest
"Aye, I recognize her. Large lady, she is. Her parents must've fed her somethin' else when she was a wee Au'ri, harhar! Had a kind voice when she was askin' me about how I felt about bein' a sailor. Mighty.. collected. I gotta says to you though, if you go about talking to her, don't look too long in her eyes if ya can. They're pretty, must admit, uh.. But could've sworn they've got slit pupils. Gave me the heebie jeebies, like I was starin' into somethin' I wasn't supposed to."
- Ostsygg Wastgreinsyn, a Limsa Lominsa resident
Mortal Contemplations
Mortal Contemplations is a philosophical series of 6 books, each one reflecting on the culture, history and values of each Eorzean State, how they have changed, and how it has served each of their peoples. Eiressa's name and portrait is set in the very end of each book, the only signifier of the books' author. The following are the books in order of their release:
Book 1: Eorzea and Her People
The first book in the series, this was considered her debut as an author. A thick tome containing many personal insights and reflection regarding the overall history of Eorzea. It covers broad topics such as life, death, divine faith, and common cultures shared across the continent. There are many contrasts and comparisons between each nation, especially in regards to how both any conflicting and similar values often lead to either all-out war or tense collaboration.
Book 2: Limsa Lominsa and Her People
Another thick tome with much of the similar goals as the previous, with the exception of focusing on the history, culture and philosophies of the sails of Limsa Lominsa. A firm government founded upon something so frowned upon like piracy, their philosophy of a spirit for freedom and differences causing strength is much contemplated upon.
Book 3: Ul'dah and Her People
An equally thick tome focusing on the relationship between Ul'dah's culture and history as another one of Eorzea's cultural melting pots, with the notable consideration of marginalization and resistance to cultural integration. A good portion of the book contemplates how the hierarchy of social standing based on one's economical power has highly driven its path to growth and its downfall. The line between ambition and greed is also reflected on here.
Book 4: Gridania and Her People
Only a few pages shorter than the previous volume, this book focuses on Gridania's history, its culture and its norms. The book discusses how Gridania's driven goal to dedicate themselves to the natural elements, the involvement of the Padjali, and their traditions have both protected them but also caused them to shun those who are considered to not belong. The city-state is compared to the Shroud it resides in at the same time, both in their prosperity and their unchanging nature.
Book 5: Ala Mhigo and Her People
A similar size to the previous volume, this book discusses the history of Ala Mhigo, its culture and its norms. From its beginnings as a fortress city to the recent liberation, much of the discussion focused on the strength of the heart and the nature of a nation. A portion of the book also discusses how their faith in both their divine and in each other has driven their struggles to victory and to ruin. In the beginning of the book, Eiressa informs the readers that most of these accounts are sourced from Ala Mhigans across Eorzea, with few from the Gyr Abanian territories due to active warzones at the time of writing.
Book 6: Ishgard and Her People
The shortest book by a considerable amount, it discusses Ishgard's troubled history, its isolationist culture, and its present change in beuracracy. The tone of this book is overall different, with reflections seemingly stopping more quickly in comparison to tangents that would be discussed in previous books. Eiressa surprisingly writes with a lot of doubt towards the accounts she receives from Ishgardians, citing difficulty with achieving considerable insight due to difficulty in navigating the more learned nobility of Ishgard.
RP Hooks

Famed Book Author
Mortal Contemplations is quite popular in Eorzea, especially among the avid readers of philosophical non-fiction. Eiressa's likeness is depicted very well, and she is very open to discussion and conversation. She may not be as open to those who approach her due to fame alone though..
Considerable Aether
For those proficient in aethersight, Eiressa's aether is considerably dense. Simply being around her feels like you are wading your hand through a gentle, cool lake. For being someone who does not present to be a mage, it is certainly peculiar to have such aetheric charge.